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From Earthjustice: “Water pollution has made more than half of U.S. streams and rivers unsafe. So why did the Trump administration end this key water protection rule? Here’s a point-by-point reality check of President Trump’s remarks on the repeal.”


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From Center for Food Safety: “Governor Newsom and California lawmakers are deciding how our state can assist communities in recovering from the coronavirus pandemic.

The Healthy Soils Program and the CalRecycle Waste Reduce Program are both at risk of being defunded. These programs provide such crucial support that we need to build a more sustainable food system. Tell Newsom and your representatives to fund these programs!

We also support expanding the Housing for the Harvest program to include all agricultural counties so that we can get farmworkers out of overcrowded housing and minimize the spread of coronavirus.


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Last year was the second hottest ever recorded and the 2010’s were the hottest decade ever. And from melting Arctic ice to bushfires raging across Australia, we’re already seeing firsthand the devastating impacts of climate change around the world.

The environmental challenges ahead of us are daunting, but there is reason for hope. The solutions to avert climate change catastrophe already exist and are becoming more widespread — now, we just need to turbocharge them. And that’s exactly what NRDC’s 2020 Climate Action Plan is designed to do.

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Recent Press & News
  1. NRDC, along with other environmental groups and eleven states, filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration on Tuesday for failure to finalize five energy-efficiency regulations, that has been receiving widespread national media coverage.  Lauren Urbanek told the Washington Post that without these standards, “consumers are the ones who really lose” while Kit Kennedy was quoted as saying “the delays are not only baffling, they’re unnecessary and illegal” in The Hill, The Daily Caller, MassLive, and Politico. NRDC’s  lawsuit aiming to get the standards published were also cited in scores of other news outlets, including the San Francisco Chronicle, Bloomberg BNA, and the Associated Press with reprints in more than 80 print and broadcast outlets across the country, including the Washington Post, NBC Miami, Jurist and more.


  1. Simon Mui spoke to Los Angeles Times about the importance of California’s unique power to set its own car and truck pollution standards, especially as the administration looks at rolling back fuel mileage standards and other federal rules. “You start messing around with this, and the ability for states to address climate pollution starts falling apart,” he reasoned.Simon also spoke to Consumer Reports about how the longevity of lithium-ion batteries helps consumers save on electric outdoor gear.


  1. In a TIME piece about cities and states continuing the clean energy revolution despite Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement, Nathanael Greene said, “I don’t think any state has been quite as fast as blowing past their [wind power] goals as Texas has.” Dylan Sullivan told Bloomberg a Nevada bill sitting on the Governor’s desk that would require 40 percent of the state’s electricity come from clean energy sources by 2030 would be “the most impactful clean energy and climate decision he will have the chance to make.”


  1. Geoffrey Fettus was a panelist of a daylong forum on decommissioning New York’s troubled Indian Point nuclear power plant, which received significant coverage. Journal News highlighted Geoff’s remark that “This is a huge industrial cleanup with an extraordinarily different component, waste that will last for hundreds of years.” Mid-Hudson News, WAMC – Northeast Public Radio and The Daily Freeman also quoted Geoff in coverage from the event. Likewise, Matthew McKinzie questioned the longevity of nuclear to Bloomberg BNA, pushing back against industry arguments asking, “‘Is nuclear a reliable partner?’ The trend is negative right now.” NRDC was also cited by The Hill for advocating for more economically-viable energy sources.


  1. A series of stories this week magnified the need for water infrastructure investment across the country. Vox quoted Dimple Chaudhary noting that for the first time, “there will be an enforceable commitment to get the lead pipes out of the ground”—thanks to NRDC’s lawsuit—in a story about five Michigan officials facing involuntary manslaughter charges over the Flint water contamination. Anjali Waikar spoke to The Times of Northwest Indiana about the public health concerns surrounding East Chicago’s water, saying “We need to change the conversation in this country when we’re talking about lead to one that takes a zero-tolerance approach.” In addition, The Hill highlighted NRDC’s Safe Drinking Water report as ademonstration of the urgent need for investment in water infrastructure – a missing piece of Trump’s national infrastructure plan. The Daily Mail also cited NRDC’s report and the 80,000 safety violations across the U.S. affecting 77 million people’s drinking water.


  1. NRDC’s “Less Beef, Less Carbon” report was highlighted in a Civil Eats article featuring a cartoon of Sujatha Bergen explaining that “Whether we realize it or not, Americans have been fighting greenhouse gas emissions with their fork.” Lena Brook also appeared on Rootstock Radio, explaining the issues behind the overuse of antibiotics in meat, the rise of drug-resistant superbugs and the commitments NRDC is pushing companies to make to change the way meat and poultry is raised.


  1. John Moore was featured on E&E TV’s “On Point” program, where he discussed grid vulnerabilities, replacing baseload generation with wind and solar, FERC and other issues. “We know the grid can function on very high levels of renewable energy. It’s not just the federal studies that say so. It’s on the ground experience in large parts of the country where coal is largely irrelevant now,” he explained. Similarly, Peter Miller told Utility Dive that legislation calling for California to be powered by 100 percent renewable energy by 2045 can work but will require significant changes in grid operations: “This is not Thomas Edison’s grid and it is not as easy as turning power plants on and off to meet demand.”


  1. The Buffalo News published an op-ed by Kit Kennedy about New York’s growing wind power development success and how it would be hampered by a State Senate Bill to stop wind power development within 40 miles of military bases throughout New York. “The truth is that the Pentagon already has a thorough process in place to ensure that renewable energy development doesn’t conflict with military operations,” Kit argued.


  1. In response to Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy calling for a permanent ban on fracking within the Delaware River Basin, Rob Friedman emphasized public concerns in New Jersey Spotlight, saying that should drilling permits be granted, “Regulations won’t prevent the harmful impact of fracking.”


  1. David Doniger criticized the two year stay proposed on the methane rules by the Trump Administration, on top of an existing 90-day stay NRDC already filed suit over, in Energywire. NRDC’s lawsuit was also mentioned by E&E News and Platts. David also spoke to Bloomberg BNA about the EPA’s proposal to reconsider the Clean Power Plan, noting that “There is no question making the Trump/Pruitt administration follow the law is going to be difficult.” In addition, David was quoted by Slate about the anti-climate history of Trump’s top DOJ environmental attorney nomination, while David Pettit told Los Angeles Daily News that the EPA’s delay of the Obama -era regulations on ozone emissions is “a step backward in a longer process to move backward on the Clean Air Act.”


  1. As part of the Energy & Transportation team’s #DefendEfficiency radio tour, Noah Horowitz appeared on the “Thom Hartmann Show” discussing the attack on energy efficiency. Noah also spoke on “Top of Mind” on Sirius XM and BYU Radio, WILS AM News/Talk Radio in Lansing, MI, and numerous other outlets across the country. Meanwhile, Lauren Urbanek was interviewed on Brainfood for the Heartland on Youngstown, Ohio’s WHTX-AM, and participated in a gaggle of other interviews about the possible end of the Energy Star Program and the benefits of energy efficiency standards.  Elizabeth Noll also appeared on WPHM AM in Detroit, MI and Pat Remick was interviewed on KWAM AM in Memphis.


  1. Elly Pepper was quoted by National Geographic on the debate surrounding pangolin conservation efforts by U.S. zoos.


  1. Alvin Lin spoke to The Diplomat about China’s efforts to expand renewable energy and lower coal consumption. Barbara Finamore also led a Reuters Live Chat on China’s clean energy role post U.S. Paris withdrawal.


  1. The first ever United Nations Ocean Conference ended last week with over 1,300 voluntary commitments in support of improving ocean and marine life protections. Lisa Speer spoke to The Quint about next steps in a potential international “Paris Agreement for the Ocean” to address management of the high seas that lie beyond national jurisdiction. Lisa also spoke to Devex about the critical need to move ahead and address the enormous problems the oceans face.


  1. Bobby McEnaney expressed concern about the Interior Departments planned review of federal sage grouse conservation efforts in a collaborative Magic Valley/Associated Press piece, saying “Secretary Zinke has found a new way to imperil the threatened sage grouse: through executive action.”
Recent Press & News
  1. John Walke was quoted in the New York Times after the EPA delayed a requirement for states to comply with an Obama-era regulation on ozone emissions. “The delay is flagrantly illegal as well as a direct assault on our right to breathe safe, clean air,” John said. He was also quoted in ThinkProgress, Charleston Gazette-Mail, and E&E News.


  1. NRDC and other conservation groups filed a lawsuit against the EPA this week after it suspended rules stopping methane leaks from oil and gas operations. Meleah Geertsma was quoted by CNBC as saying, “The Trump administration does not have unlimited power to put people’s health in jeopardy with unchecked, unilateral executive action like this.” Meleah was also quoted by The Hill, Color Lines, Financial Tribune, and the lawsuit was covered by Reuters.


  1. Rhea Suh was quoted in SELF, saying that the next administration “can and should” re-enter the Paris Agreement exactly as we entered it the first time. Alvin Lin was quoted by PRI’s “The World,” saying that Trump’s withdrawal will only boost China’s economic outlook as they invest more heavily in renewable technologies.


  1. “For the folks who have said that water may become more valuable than oil, that’s a forecast that is coming true,” Eric Goldstein told the New York Times, as parties battle for control over the Delaware River in upstate New York.


  1. John Moore said to Marketplace that “the value of working with [the FERC nominees] outweighs whatever benefit we would get from opposing them.” John also disputed Pruitt’s claim that coal losses would make our grid vulnerable, telling E&E News “[c]oal supporters are again returning to playing the reliability card because they don’t have much left.”


  1. After the Trump administration opened the door to oil and gas drilling off the Atlantic coast, Michael Jasny stressed that seismic testing alone could drive the North Atlantic right whale to extinction in New Jersey Spotlight. He was also quoted inE&E News, South Carolina’s The State, and Georgia’s WSAV.  Michael and Daniel Hinerfeld were quoted in the Vancouver Sun’s review of Sonic Sea. “We don’t need to develop these additional sources of fossil fuel….and we certainly shouldn’t be developing sources of oil and gas that require us to devastate marine life in the process,” Daniel said.


  1. Anjali Waikar expressed concern after state officials determined there were no “system-wide” problems when tests revealed lead in East Chicago’s water. “We know no amount of lead is safe,” she told Northwest Indiana’s Post-Tribune, in a story that also ran in the Chicago Tribune.  Josh Mogerman commended Chicago’s long-time clean energy leadership on WBEZ – Chicago Public Radio noting a new Executive Order affirming the City’s efforts to realize Paris Accord goals are “mak[ing] our city as clean and liveable as we can is something everyone should embrace. In a different interview, Josh also told WBEZ that Illinois’ Future Energy Jobs Act, which became law last week, would reduce the state’s carbon emissions. Josh also joined Chicago’s WGN Radio to discuss the importance of climate action for the Midwest.


  1. David Doniger pointed out the irony of BP’s defense attorney being tapped as top DOJ environment attorney in ThinkProgress, InsideClimate News, and Inhabitat. Doug Obegi spoke to Newsweek about the nomination of lobbyist for deputy interior secretary.


  1. Adrianna Quintero told CBS – San Francisco that withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement is a “lost opportunity” for America and “the cost of not doing something about climate change is significantly higher” than any costs for participating in the pact.


  1. Joel Reynolds spoke to Chinese network CGTN America about California Governor Jerry Brown’s emerging role as a global climate leader. Annie Notthoff was quoted in Truthout on the support for strong climate action within California.


  1. Bobby McEnaney spoke to the Huffington Post about Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s order to review conservation plans for the imperiled sage grouse to give states “greater flexibility.” Despite the many threats the species faces, “Secretary Zinke might just have landed the decisive blow,” Bobby said. He was also quoted in the Denver Post.


  1. Trump’s proposed budget would eliminate funding for a bevy of important government functions, including monitoring greenhouse gases, David Doniger told Bloomberg; addressing toxic algal blooms, Mae Wu noted in Huffington Post; and even securing air conditioning for the elderly Kim Knowlton explained in Mother Nature Network.


  1. Elly Pepper penned a blog for Scientific American urging U.S. zoos to help pangolin conservation efforts by not purchasing the wild-caught animals.


  1. Trump’s EPA is facing pressure from NRDC, other advocacy groups and seven state Attorney Generals, to ban chlorpyrifos—a pesticide linked to learning disabilities in children—this week. NRDC’s advocacy on the issue was mentioned inBloomberg BNA, The Hill, San Francisco Chronicle, CBS – San Francisco, and others.


  1. A Freedom of Information Act request filed by NRDC revealed Pebble Mine’s top lobbyist met with a senior EPA official shortly before the agency lifted its hold on the permitting process. “After years of belly-aching about fairness, it is simply unbelievable that Pebble immediately seized the opportunity to reach a secretive, backroom deal with the Trump EPA,”Taryn Kiekow-Heimer told E&E News.
Recent Press & News
  1. Prior to President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Rhea Suh, David Doniger, Jake Schmidt, Han Chen, Yang Fuqiang were all featured in lead-up coverage, including multiple Washington Post articles (see also: Washington Post, Washington Post), ABC News, CNBC, PBS Newshour, Yahoo News and Science Magazine, Bloomberg; Public News Service, The Global Times and many others.


  1. In the wake of President Trump’s disappointing announcement to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Rhea Suh was quoted by CNN saying “When the President of the United States sets the country apart from science, breaks its promise to the rest of the world, retreats from the fight against climate change and leaves our kids to pay the price, that’s news.” A bevy of NRDC experts were featured in various outlets reacting to the announcement including Jake Schmidt in USA Today, Bob Deans on “The Leslie Marshall Show,” Adrianna Quintero in La Opinión and on Univision Noticias as well as Jackson Morris in The Journal News.


  1. David Doniger reacted to the U.S. EPA’s halt on Obama-era methane emissions standards in Reuters saying that “the Trump administration is giving its friends in the oil and gas industry a free pass to continue polluting our air.” David was also quoted in UPI. NRDC’s intent to sue over the issue was featured in The Hill and Think Progress amongst others.


  1. Rob Moore was featured in a Bloomberg piece discussing bipartisan flood insurance legislation for homeowners in flood-prone areas. Rob noted that “flood insurance seems to be one of those few areas where Democrats and Republicans see the same problems and, in a lot of instances, see the same solutions.”  Rob was also quoted on the issue in the Insurance Journal. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch quoted Rob in an article on a series of controversial Illinois proposals to loosen oversight of levees.


  1. Carl Zichella was quoted in USA Today saying the expansion of a California-led energy-sharing program to British Columbia “is a sign of the irreversibility of the trend away from coal” as solar and wind get cheaper and utilities choose not to invest in new coal. Annie Notthoff was quoted in GreenWire discussing a California Senate package of bills passed to offset the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks from weakening the state’s protections.


  1. Henry Henderson weighed in on the alarming increase in contaminated water from the Chicago River making its way into Lake Michigan from climate-related rainstorms on WBEZ – Chicago Public Radio.


  1. Jake Schmidt was quoted in the Voice of America News on the climate change discussion at last Friday’s G-7 Summit in Italy.


  1. Jackson Morris commented on the situation surrounding the impending closure of Pennsylvania’s infamous Three Mile Island nuclear plant in The Baltimore Sun. Jennifer Chen was quoted in Utility Dive discussing the future for demand response under PJM’s new capacity and aggregation rules. Jennifer was also quoted in Midwest Energy News discussing the implications of the PJM auction for Ohio electric customers.


  1. The Sacramento Bee ran a front-page investigative piece on California irrigation districts’ lack of compliance with a law requiring them to track water usage that quotes Laura West.


  1. The Times of Northwest Indiana quoted Anjali Waikar in an article about the state’s work to test and monitor East Chicago’s drinking water for lead, saying “Our concern is that while the city may be in compliance with the applicable law, the drinking water may still contain unsafe levels of lead.”


  1. Darby Hoover was extensively quoted in a Governing Magazine feature describing the updates needed to local recycling efforts nationwide to increase their effectiveness.


  1. “This is an important victory for public health,” Jen Sass told E&E News after the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the U.S. EPA’s approval of a nanosilver antimicrobial product, continuing, “Nanosilver is known to be highly toxic to aquatic life, and may be hazardous to people. EPA rushed to judgment by approving it, leaving consumers to be guinea pigs. Now the agency must take a closer look at its potential to cause harm.”


  1. Walton Shepherd was quoted in a Richmond Times-Dispatch article detailing Virginia Republicans’ anger over Governor McAuliffe’s no-show for an emergency hearing on the state’s carbon emission standards.


  1. DeSmog Blog featured Kimberly Ong in a post that detailed the need for the Trump administration to regulate dangerous crude-by-rail trains. Allison Kelly was quoted in Forbes about the review process for the proposed multi-state Atlantic Coast Pipeline, warning that “green-lighting this pipeline without a sufficient review of the damage it would cause is a disservice to the people who live in its path.”


  1. Rob Friedman was quoted in an Earth Island Journal feature on the grassroots climate movement stating that “the [movement] moving forward must be about facilitating alignment between the inside and outside strategies, with equitably resourced grassroots groups defining the path forward.”
Recent Press & News
  1. The New York Times spoke to Erik Olson about chlorpyrifos, a toxic pesticide widely used in agriculture which NRDC has petitioned the E.P.A. to ban. “The E.P.A. has twice made a formal determination that this chemical is not safe. The agency cannot just decide not to act on that,” Erik explained.


  1. Walton Shepherd praised Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe’s forward-thinking climate regulations, reducing emissions from power plants and emphasizing clean energy, in The Washington Post.  In lieu of strong federal action, combined state-level efforts like McAuliffe’s “will drive significant enough changes to honor of international agreements,” he said.  Waltonwas also quoted in InsideClimate News and Morning Consult.


  1. Taryn Kiekow-Heimer spoke to The Guardian after the E.P.A. allowed a Canadian-owned mining company to seek federal permit near Alaska’s Bristol Bay, a vital resource to the indigenous community, salmon fisherman, and local economy.  “Bristol Bay is too important – economically, environmentally, and culturally – to be sacrificed for the sake of a mine,” Taryn said. She also spoke to Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post.


  1. A CNN online photo slideshow of the ten most carbon-intensive foods in the American diet was based on the findings of a study authored by Sujatha Bergen. Organic Authority featured Carmen Cordova discussing NRDC’s antibiotics scorecard for America’s top grocery chains (spoiler: they all got Ds), and Darby Hoover spoke to Huffington Post about recycling rules, which she said can vary widely between municipalities and change without much notice.


  1. Anjali Jaiswal was quoted by the The Washington Post on the new air quality index and pollution system NRDC helped devise and implement in Ahmadabad, India. She was also quoted in India’s The Hindu.


  1. Jackson Morris discussed the struggling nuclear industry lobbying state governments for help on NPR’s “All Things Considered,” saying nuclear energy may have low-carbon attributes but “it’s by no means on the same playing field as truly renewable resources, like wind, solar, and energy efficiency.”


  1. Alex Jackson told E&E News there’s enough uncertainty about California’s cap-and-trade program that in the absence of legislative action reauthorizing it after 2020, California will be “navigating between Scylla and Charybdis.”  He also told theAssociated Press that the program is a good starting point, but can be improved.


  1. Scott Slesinger co-authored an Op-Ed on Trump’s damaging 2-for-1 executive order for Regulatory Review. In Yahoo! News Scott condemned the Regulatory Accountability Act as a bill “for polluters and others who want to escape accountability — not for the American people.”  He also spoke to Morning Consult.


  1. John Moore told The Hill that he hopes Trump’s nominees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will abide by facts, not political arguments in favor of fossil fuels. David Doniger was quoted in InsideClimate News on the uncertain future of Obama’s Clean Power Plan.


  1. Pierre Delforge spoke to Discovery’s Seeker about the huge potential for energy efficiency in U.S. data centers.Samantha Williams expounded on economic theory in Midwest Energy News, and NRDC was quoted in northern California’s NPR station KQED in support of floating solar panels on man-made water surfaces.


  1. Stephanie Gidigbi and Mae Wu were quoted by E&E News on Trump’s proposed infrastructure bill. Stephanie said she hopes lawmakers will take environmental justice concerns into account when crafting the bill, noting that “communities have clear plans, what they lack is the dollars.”


  1. Zak Smith spoke to Alaska’s KHNS Radio about potential impacts of the elephant ivory ban on the walrus ivory used by Alaska Native carvers.


  1. Jake Schmidt and Han Chen argued in Alternet that as thirty countries, including China, agree on the urgency of climate action, Trump risks making the U.S. a global pariah. Jake was also quoted by E&E News on the topic.


  1. NRDC’s “Threats on Tap” report, which found widespread violations in drinking water contamination levels, continued to garner attention in outlets such as Daily Mail, Patch, EGP News, and Pensacola News Journal.
Recent Press & News
  1. MTV News interviewed Rhea Suh from the People’s Climate March, where she noted that “the long-term ramifications of not doing anything about climate change now are pretty profound.” Rhea was also quoted in Public News Service and Huffington Post.


  1. Rhea Suh responded forcefully to the offshore drilling Executive Order President Trump signed last week, telling the Los Angeles Times, “We’ll fight this move to sell out our children’s future for big oil and gas.” She was also quoted by the UK’s Daily Mail and North Carolina’s Greenville Online. In the New York Times, Bob Deans bemoaned the madness of the EO’s directive to review a critical safeguard for offshore drilling introduced in response to the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Alex Adams, Franz Matzner and David Pettit were quoted slamming the EO, as well, in the Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles’ ABC 7, respectively.


  1. A coalition of environmental lawyers, led by NRDC attorney Niel Lawrence, were quick to file suit against the egregious offshore drilling executive order. Niel told the Alaska Dispatch News, “President Trump may wish to undo [the offshore protections put in place by President Obama], and declare our coasts open for business to dirty energy companies, but he simply lacks the authority to do so under the law.” Niel was also featured in Bloomberg and Morning Consult, among others. And the litigation was covered by a bevy of other outlets, including the Los Angeles Times, CNBC and Huffington Post.


  1. NRDC was cited in nearly 100 stories about “Threats on Tap,” a report about water contamination and failing water infrastructure that ranked the states by violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Mae Wu was quoted in the New York Times saying “data is ‘not sexy,’ making it hard to use in pushing for meaningful actions like investment in national infrastructure maintenance.” Mae was also quoted by ABC News. Jamie Consuegra was quoted by, saying, “Americans have a right to safe, clean drinking water, but President Trump is killing that right with a meat axe.”


  1. Erik Olson was widely quoted in papers across the nation, including the Asbury Park Press, Miami Herald, Mother Jonesand The Huffington Post, which quoted him saying, “We’re living off our great-grandparents’ investments in water infrastructure. We need to make new investments, strengthen the rules and fix our enforcement problem.”


  1. Barbara Finamore was featured in Foreign Policy’sThe US-China 50.” Her profile details NRDC’s China program. Barbara was also quoted in the Financial Express about China’s shift away from coal.


  1. Dave Hawkins told NPR’s “Morning Edition” that using carbon capture and sequestration technology to address emissions from coal plants that will likely be running for decades is just common sense.


  1. Larry Levine spoke to the New York Times about filing a notice of intent to sue against the EPA over failing to prevent raw sewage from overflowing into New York City waterways. Larry was also quoted in Brooklyn Daily Eagleand Politico NY.


  1. Annie Notthoff told the Los Angeles Times that NRDC has concerns about the biogas elements added to a new California legislative proposal to move the state to 100 percent renewable energy by 2045.


  1. After the EPA scrubbed climate change information from its site, David Doniger tweeted “Cleansing has begun. EPA website scrubbed of pages on ‘so-called’ Clean Power Plan. Now only alternative facts,” and was picked up by Politco, Mic and Slate. David also spoke to ClimateWire on the fate of the CPP litigation.


  1. In grading the Trump’s First 100 Days, Rebecca Riley told LiveScience, “The Obama administration made the decision to protect the species based on extensive science — there was no basis on which to reverse it.”


  1. On the possibility that woody biomass will creep into the appropriations process, Sami Yassa told UnDark “we’re gearing up for a fight on this.” He was also quoted in the Bonner County Daily Bee.


  1. On S&P Global Platt’s “Capitol Crude,” Bob Deans debated an industry representative about Trump’s first days in office, arguing, “So far we’ve seen 100 days of hazard and harm.”


  1. Doug Obegi was quoted in News Deeply on the effects California’s delta tunnel project could have on the Delta smelt, which is considered an indicator for the health of the estuary.


  1. Walton Shepherd discussed Dominion Virginia Power’s plan to modernize its system with The Virginian-Pilot, but cautioned against increasing carbon pollution through more natural gas.
Recent Press & News
1. Last week, nearly 200 countries adopted a global agreement to phase down the powerful climate-warming gases called hydrofluorocarbons. A widely carried Associated Press piece quoted David Doniger, who was at the negotiations in Kigali, Rwanda, saying the new agreement is “equal to stopping the entire world’s fossil-fuel CO2 emissions for more than two years.” The piece was picked up by PBS News Hour, Politico, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Finance, Fox News, ABC News, Albany Times Union, San Francisco Gate, MSN, Times of India, South China Morning Post, and over 250 other outlets.
2. David Doniger also spoke to The New York Times about the collaboration between industrial and environmental groups behind the Kigali deal, saying the chemical industries “learned that without a rule change, their new products couldn’t compete. They woke up and said, ‘The science is real.’” The piece was picked up by MSN. In addition, David was quoted on the agreement in The New York Times’ blog “Dot Earth,” Politico, International Business Times, Christian Science Monitor, Buffalo News, Mashable, and a ClimateWire piece carried by Scientific American.
3. Tracy Quinn expressed concern about California water usage to The New York Times, criticizing the lifting of the mandatory conservation targets earlier this year. “We had one normal, average precipitation year among five. We certainly don’t know what the next few years will bring,” Tracy said. The article was also carried by Las Vegas Sun.
4. Kate Poole was quoted in an Associated Press piece on water regulators’ finding that endangered native fish in the California Delta need more water to survive. The article ran in over 130 outlets nationwide, including Yahoo! News, CNBC, US News, ABC News, Washington Times, Fort Wayne (Indiana) News-Sentinel, Baltimore Sun, Seattle Times, and Daily Mail.
5. In a Washington Post piece highlighting how the floods in North Carolina following Hurricane Matthew spurred renewed criticism of factory farming practices, Mae Wu explained that “what this flooding does is really bring to light all the human health and environmental consequences of letting them have these open pits of [fecal] waste just sitting out there.” The piece was picked up by Houston Chronicle, Standard Examiner, Philadelphia Inquirer, The Virginian-Pilot, Jacksonville (North Carolina) Daily News, and UK Progressive Magazine. United Press International also quoted Mae on the issue.
6. David Wallinga spoke to Bloomberg News about how despite new FDA efforts to reduce antibiotic abuse in livestock and limit the rise of superbugs, the pharmaceutical industry continues to market antibiotics to veterinarians while expanding sales internationally. “It just underscores that this has to be a change that happens across the entire world. And the companies bear a big responsibility for that approach,” David explained. The story was picked up by Chicago Tribune, (Magic Valley, Idaho) Times-News, Pharmacy Choice and The Malone (New York) Telegram.
7. Scott Slesinger spoke to Bloomberg BNA about conservationist efforts to block some of the harmful environmental riders in FY17 budget legislation. Riders aimed at scaling back environmental regulations have spiked significantly in recent years. “The one thing that seems to bring together the old, business-friendly Republican caucus and the Tea Party is rolling back environment regulations,” Scott said.
8. Franz Matzner expressed concern to The San Jose Mercury News over a new solar enhanced oil recovery program that uses sunlight instead of gas to pump oil, explaining that pollution, land degradation and negative health impacts are still associated with petroleum production. It’s “a sign of solar’s advantages over oil and coal and gas,” he said. The piece was picked up by East Bay Times.
9. Sasha Stashwick spoke to Offshore Wind about a new NRDC study showing that wind and solar are likely to be less expensive than burning trees for replacing coal power in the United Kingdom, saying “the emissions risks associated with biomass are simply too big to be ignored, and now we see that the economics of biomass don’t make sense” either. Sasha was also quoted on the report’s finding by Business Green, Bioenergy Insight Magazine, Clean Energy News, Clean Technica, and Debbie Hammel was also quoted by EU Reporter Energy in its coverage of organizations participating in the International Day of Action on Bioenergy.
10. Ralph Cavanagh appeared on Greentech Media’s podcast, “The Interchange.” Ralph discussed how to transition to a clean, decentralized grid with a representative from the Edison Institute for Electric Innovation, answering questions about how to charge customers, recover fixed costs, and more.
11. Mae Wu spoke to The Liberty Beacon about the dangerous levels of pharmaceutical drugs and other chemicals in drinking water throughout the country, saying “This hasn’t been getting enough attention. The problem hasn’t been getting better because we are just ignoring it.” Mae also highlighted that “consumers shouldn’t just assume that bottled water is more clean, more safe and pure than tap water” to Montgomery County (Maryland) Sentinel, advocating for stricter regulations on both bottled and tap water. Likewise, The Washington Post discussed EPA admitting it should have intervened in the Flint water crisis earlier, mentioning that NRDC petitioned the agency to take emergency action last October.
12. Richard Schrader talked to Morning Ag Clips about a letter NRDC and coalition groups sent to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo urging him to sign the “Farm to Food Bank” tax credit bill into law. “This legislation helps farmers and the hungry as well as mitigating climate change. It should be signed into law,” said Richard. The Associated Press also mentioned NRDC in its coverage of the issue.
13. In an EcoWatch story unveiling the devastating environmental impact of American homeowners’ desire to keep their lawns greener and lusher than their neighbors, Ed Osann pointed to sustainable landscaping strategies that move away from mowed turf and water-guzzling, chemical-hungry lawns.
14. Ashok Gupta spoke to St. Louis Post-Dispatch about a recently released scorecard issued by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) that showed Missouri is the most improved state in the nation in terms of energy efficiency. “The improvement was great. The question is: How are we going to continue to improve?” asked Ashok.
15. Inside EPA Climate featured Jackson Morris and NRDC in its coverage highlighting that RGGI states are expected to adopt a stronger 2020-2030 greenhouse gas cap. “It’s a question of how much more stringent” than EPA’s rule it will be, Jackson stated, adding that the 5 percent reduction is “entirely realistic and viable.”
Recent Press & News
1. The New York Times highlighted NRDC court filings and a new public relations campaign to defend the Clean Power Plan in advance of a federal court hearing on the rule. The filings were also covered by Politico and Bloomberg Government, which quoted David Doniger that “the Clean Power Plan stands on solid legal ground.” Samantha Williams also explained to Midwest Energy News that while the Supreme Court stay is in effect, states such as Ohio should continue to move forward with cutting their own carbon emissions.
2. Morgan Wyenn spoke to the Los Angeles Times and KPCC—Southern California Public Radio about an NRDC victory in a multi-year lawsuit against the Port of Los Angeles and Burlington Northern Santa Fe over a railyard project that would increase toxic air pollution for nearby communities. “This is just not the right location for a rail yard. Anytime you concentrate that many trucks in one small area, the air pollution for that area is going to increase, no matter the way you look at it,” Morgan said.
3. The San Francisco Chronicle ran an op-ed from Max Baumhefner on the impact of a new agreement with Pacific Gas & Electric to deploy 7,500 electric vehicle charging stations in the city, including in disadvantaged communities where zero-emission vehicles are needed most.
4. Sharon Buccino talked to The Washington Post on the worsening financial crisis for big coal companies across the country and their failure to pay for the cleanup of mining sites after they are shut down saying “We should not have to sacrifice the health of the land and its residents to the financial health of coal companies.”
5. David Wallinga spoke to National Geographic about a one-year progress report from President Obama’s Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, noting a failure to reduce misuse of the critical drugs in raising livestock. “The Advisory Council should take a step back and evaluate what’s not working in the U.S. to reach its ultimate goal of reducing widespread overuse of antibiotics,” he said. Politico and Ars Technica also quoted David on the federal antibiotics report.
6. Dana Gunders was a guest on KPCC—Southern California Public Radio “Air Talk with Larry Mantle,” where she discussed a new California bill to improve expiration date labeling in the state, in order to cut down on consumer confusion and reduce food waste.
7. Harvest Public Media—a collaboration of several Midwest radio stations—included Darby Hoover in a story about the prospects of using food waste to produce energy by using anaerobic digestion to generate gas, where Darby explained that “Anaerobic digestion is one promising piece of a much larger puzzle to solve the food waste problem.” KUNC—Northern Colorado Public Radio, and KMUW—Wichita Public Radio also ran the story.
8. Joel Reynolds discussed the top candidate in consideration to lead California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District board, Wayne Nastri, with the Los Angeles Times, saying “He has a strong environmental record, a good sense of strategy and an understanding of how important the public is in environmental decision-making.”
9. Tracy Quinn spoke to the Associated Press about California’s annual snowpack report, its impact on the drought and possibly on state water conservation regulations. “It’s important to remember we’ve had several years of exceptionally hot and dry weather and it’s going to be a long road to recovery. We don’t know what the next year and several years will bring,” she explained. Tracy was also quoted in the San Jose Mercury News about the report.
10. Rebecca Riley talked to WUIS—Springfield Public Radio in Illinois about the decline of bees in the state. “Last year, 60 percent of Illinois beehives collapsed, devastating beekeepers and putting our favorite fruits and vegetables at risk,” she explained.
11. David Pettit spoke to KPCC—Southern California Public Radio about Governor Jerry Brown dropping his opposition to an environmental review of an expanded lead cleanup around Exide battery recycling plant. “This is the correct thing to do to protect the community,” David said.
12. Alaska Dispatch News reported on the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear Alaska’s legal challenge to the U.S. Forest Service’s so-called “roadless rule,” ending the state’s attempt to circumvent logging rules in the Tongass National Forest. The story quoted Niel Lawrence as saying “It feels terrific to put this case to bed once and for all.”
13. Doug Obegi spoke to the Ventura County Star about Senator Dianne Feinstein and 12 Republic House Members from California asking President Obama to increase pumping of water from the San Francisco Bay-Delta. “It’s deeply disappointing that the members (of Congress) are demanding that the agencies ignore the biological science and monitoring data on California’s fisheries, threatening not just salmon and endangered fisheries, but the thousands of fishing jobs that depend on them,” he said. Doug was also quoted on the topic in Energy and Environment and the Fresno Bee.
14. Jeff Benzak spoke on behalf of E2 with Midwest Energy News about the clean energy sector in Ohio and other Midwest states. “The clean energy economy is growing fast and you’re really starting to see competition heat up between states seeking to attract clean energy business,” he said.
15. A New York Times article featured a study that NRDC has begun with the University of California, Berkley to assess the effect of new car sharing services, such as UberPool and Lyft Carpool, on the number of cars on the road.